
Cooking a thick steak

how to cook a thick cut steak

brink the steak to room temp.  I think the perfect steak is seasoned simply with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.  It needs nothing else.  Pat the steak dry with a paper towel before you season it.

Brown one side of the steak, the presentation side, for about about 5 minutes until it's golden brown, then flip it over and finish it off in a 425 degree oven. Around 5 minutes. 
A cast iron skillet works great for this. Let stand tented in tin foil for 5 minutes before cutting.

I like my steak done to medium well but here is what the internal temp should be for your perfect streak.

Well done

120° - 125°
130° - 135°
140° - 145°
150° - 155°
160° and above

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